The standard template for the online shops of model Shop2016 is now available. Similar to the previous Amperhof model, it is easy to integrate into websites, but now uses modern technologies and is responsive, adaptative to different screen sizes. In addition, customers benefit from a multitude of new functions.
Although the configuration of the components in the web pages – unlike an individually built shop – cannot be changed, the style (colours etc.) can be customized by web designers. For ambitious users there is also a style editor, so it’s possible to make your first attempts at the design.
The conversion from the previously used standard template is already possible in a few hours. The new possibilities of the article display and the menu control need some training, (By now, only in German) Information about different shop models is available and about the standard template Shop2016. We have prepared instructions (after login) for users and web designers and are happy to support you with the change.