The proxy concept exists to fetch all resources from one common server, even if they originally reside on other places. Examples are images from image server or remote CSS files or font data.
Generally, it
- allows to embed the shop and to circumvent the same-origin or CORS restrictions for specific ressources.
- simplifies SSL Setup, as it can make sure all ressources are fetched from a secure source
- may improve privacy by hiding the end user (it may load not that promptly as from a public/google CDN though)
Images #
- It will always fetch the images as assigned in the warehousing system
- It adds watermarks if configured
- It allows fetching via https (using the https base address) to keep the SSL safe
- scaling and coloring options can be applied
- A CSS may be configured that resides elsewhere, e.g. at the webdesigners premises for convinient maintainance.
- The CSS is scanned itself, to accomodate for import statements or fonts.
some of these features require access to the settings area of the shop
Request # #
<baseurl>/<type>.<postfix>?<parameter> |
<baseurl>/api/<postfix>/<type>/<id>?<parameters> |
baseurl Base URL for the given System. postfix px for a call to the fully distributed cache, py for calls to private images (need authentication before using the session)
type and parameters are described below.
Example# #
…shows a thumbnail for the system schoenegge of item 1040 at a max size of 80×80, with a white background. „px“ makes it served from a distributed high performance image cache.
..just bring the picture
Parameters# #
id the if of the object (e.g. the item id) parameters one or more of
bs.w: desired max width (will scale only if too big)
bs.h: desired max height backgroud color if the other params require scaling if 1, the ratio is not respected when scaling
bs.clear=1: deletes that item from cache, useful ONLY when developing.
bs.nocache=1: avoids caching for this call type defines the object or the object that has an image assigned
a | abobox |
t | item thumbnail (or big one, should no thumb exist) |
b | big item image (or first extra image, should a primary image not exist) |
bt | big one, or small one should not big exist |
g | item group thumbnail |
h | item group big |
s | subgroup thumbnail |
u | subgroup big |
r | rubric small |
v | rubric big |
e,e1,e2,e4 | transform ecoinform image sources |
e3 | for the internal proxy (configured in settings) |
f | file proxy (id=css will fetch a remote css as per settings, id=logo will fetch the configured logo, id=loading will fetch the loading placeholder gif) |
as | primary Accociation Logo (small) |
ab | primary Accociation Logo (big) |
p | Producer image (small image) |
b1..b9 | Provides additional images if they exists (see API.js.concepts.images) |
x | big abogroup image |
y | small abogroup image |
n | big Navigation image |
m | small navigation image |
nd | (small) Navigation Level 2 Image |
p | producer logo/icon |
pi | producer image big / image2 |
ab | associaltion icon |
d | image from datanature proxy |
f | servs special images or files: css, css16, loading, none, logo, |
tb | content article Item |
ti | content article images |
fs | Images from the internal filestore |
eu | EU Origin labels (pod, pgi, ts) |